Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How come asian girls can't cook? Why?

"If you can't cook, how can you be a good wife when you grow up?"

"My husband will grow up to be a good husband by getting me a maid! So I will have time to spend with the family as a good wife. Just like Pa did for you, Ma...but only if i ever get married"

Whether it be a lame joke to some, one of the best things about being banana is that the kitchen is no longer a girl's prison. Beyond these four walls, a girl can do, own and achieve anything on planet Blue.

From my observation, cooking has evolved to be somewhat of a pastime for my gfs and I. Yeah, right...

Actually only half of us can cook... the other half can't cook or don't bother. What it means by 'can cook' it means whip up something edible and from at least 50% fresh ingredients. You know, meat, garlic, eggs, veg, rice... as opposed to processed foods. Probably only half of us who can cook picked up some traditional asian culinary skills from our mothers. That means probably only 25% of us can cook like our mothers.

But the only thing that I am sure of is this-- ask any asian girl who can cook and have mastered english, she can definitely cook up a pasta dish worthy of praise.

Weird, huh? But it is not our fault. Our mothers pressured us to do well at our exams and signed us up for a myriad of activities after school; tuition, ballet, piano lessons etc. and not to mention the extra curricular activities made compulsory to attend by the schools... where got time?

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